2022.12.24 SAT [Real Future Fes Vol.1] at 新宿MARZ open/start 16:00/16:30 adv/door 2500/3000 出演: w / white white sisters / HINOMARI / なみだ藍 / Aivy / imaeakira / melt into the cream / Radiant Melancholy adv ticket : e+
2022.12.24 SAT [Real Future Fes Vol.1] at 新宿MARZ open/start 16:00/16:30 adv/door 2500/3000 出演: w / white white sisters / HINOMARI / なみだ藍 / Aivy / imaeakira / melt into the cream / Radiant Melancholy adv ticket : e+